Anunțul este expirat.

iOS & Android Freelance Developer

There is a one-time project available to develop a game for iOS and Android. Requirements: - You can develop games for Android and iOS as well. - You are talented at programming and know your way around. - You are willing to learn new things. What I offer: - $700 USD payment for a project that should take 2 weeks to complete. - Freelance work graphic. You can work at night, during the day, whenever you want. - You will work from home. If youre interested please send me your CV by e-mail, or you can just write me about yourself, experience and why you would like to take part in this project. You will receive a reply as soon as possible. Thank you for your time and interest.
Puteți transmite CV-ul la oferta de muncă de pe site-ul


  • Salariu, de la 700 $
  • Orarul de lucru Freelance

Limbi străine

  • Engleză


  • Învățământul Medii incomplete
  • Experiență Până la 2 ani
  • Specializare Java

Date de contact

  • Persoana de contact Valeriu
  • Email
